Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Tangency Problem 15

Figure shows template ABCDEFG.
Points A, B, C, D, E, F and G are tangent points. CD is a tangent line.
Draw the template in full size.

1. Measure the distance between O and S

Mail your answer to: noh4568@yahoo.com.
The correct answer will get the participation certificate.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Tangency Problem 14

Figure shows a template ABCDEFG.
Points B, C, D, E, F and G are tangent points. FE is a tangent line.
Draw the template in full size.

1. Measure the radius of Rx

Mail your answer to: noh4568@yahoo.com.
The correct answer will get the participation certificate.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Tangency Problem 13

Figure shows a template ABCDEFGHI.
Points B, C, D, E, F, G , H and I are tangent points. FE is a tangent line.
A is the vertex point of semi parabola and BC is an quadrant of ellipse.
Draw the template in full size.

1. Measure the length of EF

Mail your answer to: noh4568@yahoo.com.
The correct answer will get the participation certificate.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Tangency Problem 12

Figure 4 shows a ABCDEFGH template. Redraw the template shown in full size using geometrical construction methods. AB is a quadrant of an ellipse with O as the center of ellipse.

1. Measure the length of EF,
2. What is the distance between A and B?

Mail your answer to: noh4568@yahoo.com.
The correct answer will get the participation certificate.

Tangency Problem 11

Figure shows a template. A, B, C, D, E, F and G are points of tangency. BC is a tangent line. O is the centre points of the ellipse. Draw the template in full size.

1. Measure the radius of Rx,
2. Measure the length of line BC.

Mail your answer to: noh4568@yahoo.com.
The correct answer will get the participation certificate.

Tangency Tip 05

How to draw an arc in touch externally and touch through a given point

1. Draw a perpendicular line PR,
2. Draw a parallel line OA,
3. Draw line AP intersecting at K,
4. Draw line OK intersecting at S,
5. Centered at S, draw arc through P and K.

Tangency Tip 04

How to draw an arc in touch internally and through a given point

1. Draw line PR and bisect it.
2. Draw straight line RO to intersect at S.
3. Centered at S, draw an arc through P and R.

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